This is the day of Yesod within Yesod, connection within connection. On this day, I think about the depth of my connection to others. I ask myself, not just whether my relationships are enduring and compassionate, but whether they are truly connections at all. I ask myself if I connect deeply with others or if I remain superficial and aloof with the other people in my life.
Social scientists like to remind us that human beings are social animals. On a fundamental, biological level, we need each other. Without others to share our lives, life itself seems pointless and purposeless to us.
Jewish tradition has the same insight. The great medieval Jewish philosopher, Maimonides (or Rambam, as he is known in Jewish tradition) said that, in the absence of others to share our lives, all of the Torah is pointless. The Torah only exists – and that means that our relationship with God, too, only exists – in order for us to interact with and to know one another. Knowing other people, entering their lives in true connection, is necessary for knowing God. In some way, relating to other human beings is relating to God.
On this 41st day of the Counting of the Omer, I commit to deepening my relationships with others. I set an intention for myself to move beyond the superficial and towards deeper sharing, belonging, listening and caring with the people in my life.
May this be a day in which you find blessing in forming connections with others that are deeply rewarding and meaningful. May those connections open for you a deeper connection to God.
For the introduction to the Counting of the Omer, click on this link:
The First Day of the Counting of the Omer