This is the day of Chesed within Yesod, love within connection. On this day, I think about how even my most cherished relationships can sometimes become stale when I treat them as mere practicalities. When we forget to empathize with and to care deeply about the people in our lives, when we begin to use people as means to our ends, then the light of our souls begins to dim.
Love is the ingredient in all of our relationships that gives them meaning, depth and beauty. There are many ways to love, as there are many different kinds of relationships, but all loving relationships have this basic quality: The relationship itself becomes something greater than just the sum of the individuals who make it up.
On this 36th day of the Counting of the Omer, I commit to finding the loving responses to others that give my connection to them the quality of blessing and meaning. May this be a day in which you find new ways to be loving and to be loved by the people who are dear to you.
For the introduction to the Counting of the Omer, click on this link:
The First Day of the Counting of the Omer