This is the day of Netzach within Tiferet, endurance within balance. On this day, I am thinking about how real balance and harmony are achieved through persistent and committed effort. I am thinking about the many promises I've made to myself over the years – how I have resolved to keep to a particular diet, practice prayer, spend time with family, and get physical exercise, to name a few. I have succeeded in some of these practices over time, others have waxed and waned. In all of them, I have found that experiencing the highs and lows of trying to maintain a balanced life has been as valuable as the practices themselves.
On this 18th day of the Counting of the Omer, I want to notice the long-term balancing act of living a harmonious life. I renew my commitment to persisting in the practices that keep me centered on the person I want to be. I take delight in the length of the journey and the resolve to maintain it.
May this be a day in which you discover your drive to persist in seeking a life of joy, brilliance and harmony.
For the introduction to the Counting of the Omer, click on this link:
The First Day of the Counting of the Omer