This is the day of Malchut within Gevurah, nobility within discipline. On this day, I am thinking about how, when I set limits for myself and practice wise restraint, I not only keep myself from harm, I also discover what is best and most noble within me.
People often think that excellence comes with throwing off restraints and living without limits. In reality, though, living without boundaries is the antithesis of greatness. Limits are the way we discipline and focus ourselves. People who act as if nothing is off limits often enter into self-destructive cycles in which they becomes slaves to their own desires. In contrast, those who have the ability to restrain themselves from chasing after every whim create within themselves the spiritual pathways to excel in the ways that really matter. Often, discovering our best and most noble selves is more about saying "no" than it is about saying "yes."
On this 14th day of the Counting of the Omer, I recommit myself to trying to live with discernment and discipline. I recognize that I become the champion of my life when I guard my behavior and keep myself from chasing after desires that do me no good. By disciplining myself in what I eat, what I say, what I do with my time, how I treat others – and even in what I choose to think about – I hope to come closer to my own most noble self.
May this be a day in which you renew your commitment to set the boundaries that make you feel proud of who you are and the way you live your life.
For the introduction to the Counting of the Omer, click on this link:
The First Day of the Counting of the Omer