"Inscribe us for life." [This phrase from the prayers of Rosh Hashanah] refers to the infinitesimal point of holiness that is within each human heart. That point is the soul of life, of which it is said, "God has placed eternal life within us." However, every year, as we become accustomed to sin, our baser self overpowers and hides this point of holiness. You must seek compassion from the Holy One of Blessing to re-inscribe this spark onto your heart on Rosh Hashanah. This is why we implore God, "Inscribe us for life!" We ask God to re-inscribe life upon our hearts.
-S'fat Emet 5:139
May 5772 be a year of renewal for you. May it awaken the spark of holiness within you and may you taste life's sweetness and joy. May the Holy One inscribe you for life!