My children are missing their mother on this Mother's Day as she is away taking care of her own mother. For my mother, for my wife, for my wife's mother, and for all mothers everywhere, I offer this blessing: Mi shebeirach imoteinu, Sara, Rivka, Rachel, v’Leah, hu y’vareich et kol imoteinu v’chol savtoteinu. |
May our mothers and grandmothers have the strength to love more than they thought they could, may they be patient and forgiving when it is needed, and may they savor every moment and every phase of their children's lives.
May their experiences as mothers and grandmothers fill their hearts with a deep sense of fulfillment and meaning. May their children and grandchildren recognize the ways that mothers and grandmothers celebrate their every accomplishment and suffer in their every hardship.
May all our mother and grandmothers be a blessing. And we say together, Amein.