Saturday, September 19, 2020
First Day of Tishrei 5781
First Day of Rosh Hashanah
Today is Shabbat, the most holy day in Jewish tradition. It is our day of rest and our day of joyfully feeling God’s presence all around us. Today is Rosh Hashanah, the day of re-experiencing the world’s creation.
Once again, this is a day to review the work you have done to get to this point and to set your sights on where you wish to go.
Practice for this day:
Review the teachings and your responses to the practices from the first thirty days. If you have not read or completed the practices for some of the days up to this point, or for any of them, do not become discouraged. T’shuvah is a lifelong process. There are many opportunities to begin again. There is no better time to start than right now.
As you look over the teachings, are there any ideas or responses that seem particularly powerful to you? Are there any ideas or feelings you particularly want to remember? Are there any thoughts you have written that you now wish to revise?
Jot down your thoughts here:
As we continue the journey toward t’shuvah, do you wish to make any commitments to goals you would like to achieve by Yom Kippur or beyond?
Jot down your thoughts here: