Tonight begins the sixteenth day of the Counting of the Omer, two weeks and two day. It is the day of the divine quality of Gevurah within Tiferet, Discipline within Balance. Our lives shine more brightly when our many impulses and desires are balanced in self-discipline and wise choices. Do you use your inner strength to bring radiance to your life?
Tonight begins the fifteenth day of the Counting of the Omer, two weeks and one day. It is the day of the divine quality of Chesed within Tiferet, Love within Balance. When we think about wanting a life that is more balanced, the element that we find to be missing, usually, is love. More connection to the people who are dear to us, more compassion, more kindness and forgiveness all help bring us into balance.
Tonight begins the fourteenth day of the Counting of the Omer, two weeks. It is the day of the divine quality of Malchut within Gevurah, Nobility within Discipline. Ideally, the standards and strictures we impose upon ourselves are not a form of self-oppression. The opposite should be true. They should lift us to become our best selves, the champions of our lives.
Tonight begins the thirteenth day of the Counting of the Omer, one week and six days. It is the day of the divine quality of Yesod within Gevurah, Foundation within Discipline. Self-reliance alone does not necessarily make a person strong. How does your strength come from the relationships with others that are the foundation of your life?
Tonight begins the twelfth day of the Counting of the Omer, one week and five days. It is the day of the divine quality of Hod within Gevurah, Humility within Discipline. Authority without humility leads only to the abuse of power. Is your exercise of self-discipline selfish or does it open your heart to others? Tonight begins the eleventh day of the Counting of the Omer, one week and four days. It is the day of the divine quality of Netzach within Gevurah, Endurance within Discipline. Personal resolutions for improvement require long-term commitment. Does your self-discipline endure?
Tonight begins the tenth day of the Counting of the Omer, one week and three days. It is the day of the divine quality of Tiferet within Gevurah, Balance within Discipline. Power applied recklessly leads to destruction. It is only when we exert power that is balanced with wisdom and forethought, that our power becomes a way to create. This is particularly true of the power of discipline that we exert over ourselves.
Tonight begins the ninth day of the Counting of the Omer, one week and two days. It is the day of the divine quality of Gevurah within Gevurah, Discipline within Discipline. The most powerful people are the ones who have mastery over their own strength. How do you discipline the way you use your power?
Tonight begins the eighth day of the Counting of the Omer, one week and one day. It is the day of the divine quality of Chesed within Gevurah, Love within Discipline. As much as we want to make serious commitments and firm convictions for ourselves, we also wish to do so with self-love and self-compassion. By setting personal standards that are realistic and kind to ourselves, we are able to reach higher.
Tonight begins the seventh day of the Counting of the Omer, the day of the divine quality of Malchut within Chesed, Nobility within Love. The best expression of our character and the highest within us is in the way we care for each other.
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