This is the day of Yesod within Gevurah, connection within discipline. On this day, I am thinking about how self-reliance alone does not make a person strong. Real strength and discipline comes from the ways in which we form relationships with others, connecting with the strengths and the abilities of those around us.
On this 13th day of the Counting of the Omer, I am aware that I sometimes make the mistake of trying to "go it alone," thinking that I am better off doing things myself. I forget that including others in my efforts not only strengthens the community, it also opens opportunities to see things from new perspective and with new ideas. I make a commitment today to stay connected to the people around me as I work to reach my goals.
When the Israeli Knesset created this day of Holocaust remembrance, they wanted to make sure that we would not think of the Holocaust only as a time when Jews were victims. They wanted to make sure that we would remember acts of courage and valor by people who resisted the Nazis and Nazism. Today, I remember the heroism of those who, in a time of horror and inhumanity, had the resolve to act to save themselves, their families, their community, and the spirit of humanity.
May this be a day in which your strength is magnified by your connection to others and your foundation in community.
For the introduction to the Counting of the Omer, click on this link:
The First Day of the Counting of the Omer